France China Particle Physics Network

The FCPPN IRN is part of the evolution of the very dynamic and successful FCPPL (France-China Particle Physics Laboratory) LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) created in 2007 and gathering a community of about 400 physicists and engineers from 17 CNRS joint research units with 14 French universities and Engineering Schools on the French side, and CAS (IHEP, NAOC, PMO, USTC, UCAS) and 23 universities on the Chinese side.

The research fields relevant to the FCPPN project have a broad spectrum and cover: Particle and Hadronic Physics, Neutrino Physics, Astroparticle Physics and High Energy Astrophysics, Cosmology, Accelerator Physics, together with Theoretical Physics and (accelerator-, detector-, eScience-) related technologies to participate in collaborative efforts to better understand the physics of our Universe.


The IRN allows the partners to work together with the best research infrastructures in our fields, to name just a few: LHC experiments at CERN, KM3NeT in France and Italy, LSM (Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane) in France; JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory), CJPL (China Jinping Underground Laboratory), LHASSO and GRANDE in China; SVOM a common Franco-Chinese space mission, …

Collaborative projects are developed jointly by French and Chinese teams in these fields, and then evaluated annually by the FCPPN steering committee and independent experts. The FCPPN funds the mobility costs of the collaborators involved in the selected projects (around thirty each year), including missions between France & China, joint conferences and workshops, and student visits.

While about 70% of the proposed projects are multi-year, about 30% of funded projects represent new collaborations resulting from new links or ideas shared between French and Chinese partners. This underscores the importance of the FCPPN “network”, a stable, structured and vibrant community of researchers, engineers and students wanting to work together in developing a collaborative scientific community between our two countries, so that together we can go beyond the current limits of knowledge in our fields of research.

The yearly FCPPN call for projects provides the opportunity for new initiatives to receive support mainly for travel exchanges. This seed funding allows laying the foundation for scientific collaboration and preparing joint grant applications including those offered by the French embassy in China, and specific funding from CAS and MoST

Every year, the FCPPN workshop is the opportunity for bilateral exchanges between research teams in China and France. The next workshop will be held in June 2025 at Shandong University in Qingdao.

FCPPN Directorate

Gang CHENCo-director for ChinaIHEP (CAS)
Eric KAJFASZCo-director for FranceCPPM (CNRS & AMU)
Paola BERTELLIAdministrative managerCPPM (CNRS & AMU)

FCPPN Yearly Workshops organized so far

Beijing (IHEP)12/2006
Beijing (THU)03/2017