Construction and implementation of very large research instruments involve design of new accelerators and development of innovative technologies for particle acceleration.

Ongoing projects

TitleChinese PIChinese Labs# of peopleFrench PIFrench Labs# of peopleStarted in
Luminosity and injection background monitoring and correction at SuperKEKB
and CEPC
GAO JieIHEP5 staffBAMBADE PhilippeIJCLab2 staff, 1 PhD, 1 student
Compton sourceYAN LixingTHU4 staff, 3 Postdocs, 1 PhDDUPRAZ KevinIJCLab8 staff
Optics design of a transverse monochromatic scheme for the direct s-channel Higgs production at FCC-eeCHI YunlogIHEP; HIT Shenzhen2 staff, 1 PhDFAUS-GOLFE AngelesIJCLab1 staff, 1 PhD
Future Colliders Compton Polarimeters / France China ComptonDUAN ZheIHEP; CNPE6 staffMARTENS AurélienIJCLab3 staff, 1 PhD

Previous projects

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