15th France China Particle Physics Network/Laboratory workshop

It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the 15th France China Particle Physics Network/Laboratory workshop (FCPPN/L2024) to be held at University of Bordeaux, France on June 10-14, 2024. If you are interested in starting or presenting a collaborative project involving teams of our two countires, we warmly encourage you to attend the […]

8th Shanghai Symposium on Particle Physics and Cosmology (SPCS 2024)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Shanghai, China

The 8th Shanghai Symposium on Particle Physics and Cosmology will be devoted to Cosmic Neutrinos, Multi-messengers and Innovative Detectors. SPCS is held annually, with each year focusing on a distinct set of related physics topics. The first edition of SPCS took place in 2011, with a vibrant agenda. This year, the conference will highlight the […]

Defense of Zhandong ZHANG’s IHEP- UPSay co-tutored thesis

#2 Hall, IHEP, CAS #2 Hall, IHEP, CAS, 19B Yuquan Road, Beijing, Shijingshan District, China

Title: Interaction region optics design of a monochromatization scheme for direct s-channel Higgs production at FCC-ee Abstract: The FCC-ee offers the potential to measure the electron Yukawa coupling via direct s-channel Higgs production at a centre-of-mass (CM) energy of about 125 GeV. This measurement is significantly facilitated if the CM energy spread of electron-positron collisions […]

Defense of Xi WANG’s SJTU-CPPM thesis

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai

Title: Explorations of W Boson-Photon Scattering and Higgs-Scalar Resonance Production with the ATLAS Detector PhD Student: Xi WANG Supervisors: Jun GUO (SJTU), Elizabeth PETIT & Emmanuel MONNIER (CPPM) Defence date: 27 November 2024 7:00 CET (14:00 CST) Defence place: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Public ZOOM link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/67691883370?pwd=mXobsbBX8GuFMYkQeDfEF9FPDUe3SZ.1